How AI Is Going To Change Digital Marketing In Few Years
The artificial technology is doing wonders in the world. If you believe the technology experts, the AI can possibly replace humans in the near future. If you type the word “Artificial Intelligence” on the Google then, you will find that web is filled with articles and blogs written on the artificial intelligence and how they are making a difference in our lives. The most common and basic examples of artificial intelligence are Amazon Alexa, Siri, and Google assistance. It is making the difference in the world but do you know what changes the artificial intelligence is bringing in SEO? The below post is all about artificial intelligence or AI and how it is bringing the change in the digital marketing strategies.
Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Digital Marketing
Earlier, marketers were not sure about the use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing but with the changing the concept of AI in digital marketing has gained some attention filling marketers with more confidence. The intelligence devices keep moving with the latest technologies to the point where they can actually surpass the human ability. Companies have started using AI to make important data-based decisions. In short, AI has started making some big changes in the digital marketing sector and analysed properly you can definitely witness more than one change coming on your ways. While we have tried to sort out some of these changes more are on the way.
- Writing and developing content
What? An AI can write the content from the scratch? Seems impossible, right? But it is possible. Although the AI cannot note down its opinion for a blog or a newspaper column, there are some specific areas where content written by AI can be used to attract the visitors to the website. This can help to save lots of money and time companies invest to get quality content. Top companies like associated press and Forbes are already using intelligent tools like Quill, Articoolo, and Wordsmith to create content. So, there is a possibility that you are already reading a report that has been written through an AI. This is going to open the door for a whole new range of online marketing solutions.
- Email marketing is going to change
Gone are the days when advertisers have to prepare in advance to do design and send emails for marketing purposes. Al has made things easier than before. Now, brands can take advantage of the power of AI to personalise the emails based on the occasion and customer preferences. AI can easily analyse the millions of data about the customer and determine the best time to send the emails. Persado and Phrases are some of tools that applies AI for email marketing.
- Digital advertising
Digital advertising is one of the areas which has successfully adopted the concept of Artificial Intelligence. For instance, Facebook is already using the artificial intelligence based on the machine learning to handle people who want to advertise their brand through Facebook. To accomplish this, they analyse the behaviour, like and dislike of the target audience to make their desired action successful. Apart from this Google AdWords also has the automatic auction-based system that allow advertiser to pay the lowest price possible for the conversion.
Qdexi Technology is also planning to move ahead with the latest trends for internet marketing. Visit the website to know more.